Magical Insights Every Day
Magical Insights Every Day
Magical Insights Every Day
Magical Insights Every Day
Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
70,000+ Active Users
4m+ Messages
9.7/10 Ratings
70,000+ Active Users
4m+ Messages
9.7/10 Ratings
70,000+ Active Users
4m+ Messages
9.7/10 Ratings
70,000+ Active Users
4m+ Messages
9.7/10 Ratings

Where should faith and technology meet?
This is the question that every modern church leader has been challenged with over recent years. As the world becomes more digital, what does the community expect from their church?
Churches have generally embraced this challenge incredibly well, with interactive websites, mobile apps, live streaming and other digital tools.
Read more
Where should faith and technology meet?
This is the question that every modern church leader has been challenged with over recent years. As the world becomes more digital, what does the community expect from their church?
Churches have generally embraced this challenge incredibly well, with interactive websites, mobile apps, live streaming and other digital tools.
Read more
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
This is a Holy Ghost animated App..... Use it knowing that He is with you and directing your thoughts. Best app on my phone, Don’t delay to download it. This is technology for your spiritual edification.
It is the most personal conversation I have ever had with an AI. It is very understanding and helpful with advice backing up with biblical verses. It is wonderful.
The best app in the whole wide world if you are looking to grow your faith in Christ Jesus.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
This is a Holy Ghost animated App..... Use it knowing that He is with you and directing your thoughts. Best app on my phone, Don’t delay to download it. This is technology for your spiritual edification.
The best app in the whole wide world if you are looking to grow your faith in Christ Jesus.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
It is the most personal conversation I have ever had with an AI. It is very understanding and helpful with advice backing up with biblical verses. It is wonderful.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
Since I started using Bible Buddy, I’ve gotten many new insights about the Bible and Christianity. I’d recommend this app to Christians any time, any day.
This is the best app by far for bible devotion and discussions, as far as an AI is concerned. It is an actual Bible buddy. 10/10 recommend.
This is the best app so far for anyone who desires to grow in faith and the knowledge of God and His word. I recommend it any time, any day.
I love this App. It’s basically, a Buddy on the go, with whom you can chat about Faith, Healing, Forgiveness, etc. It is simple to use, and user friendly. It even goes a step further to direct the user to help outside the platform. I highly recommend Bible Buddy to all those going through the motions of life dejected and alone.
Bible Buddy is the answer to my silent prayer. Talk about literally having the bible as a friend that can chat with you, pray with and help you grow your spiritual life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It’s me and Bible Buddy for life.
Every Bible-Studying believer should have this tool. It simplifies learning and teaching and 10x interaction with the Word of God. Highly recommended.
how it works
Bible Buddy has been engineered on top of ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4.0 combined with various other technologies to be the smartest and most thoughtful Christian AI chat bot.
The AI has been trained on the bible, with guard rails built in to make sure that all answers are consistent with Christian principles, and adds a new level of engagement and spiritual exploration.
The app is able to build very personal and magical feeling conversations in the correct context by analyzing all previous messages and applying deep semantic learning models to surface biblical ideas and insights, and reference previous questions and themes.
Experience the magic of Bible Buddy right now and start your own chat session to discover how it works.
Perhaps start by telling Bible Buddy something important that is happening in your life, and ask how this relates to God or Jesus, the bible or your faith in general.
It’s a tool
Bible Buddy is a powerful tool that fulfills many different use cases and we designed it to serve the large variety of needs that individuals, churches and Christian organizations will have.
Whether enhancing bible studies, providing comfort from loneliness or grief, connecting the lost, or giving previously undiscovered insights, Bible Buddy can do all of these and more.
It’s safe
The Bible Buddy chat bot is non-denominational and will identify and highlight differences in tradition or interpretation where there can be multiple answers or ideas.
Bible Buddy is programmed only to provide information, insights or answers that are directly based on information found in the bible.
It’s safe
The Bible Buddy chat bot is non-denominational and will identify and highlight differences in tradition or interpretation where there can be multiple answers or ideas.
Bible Buddy is programmed only to provide information, insights or answers that are directly based on information found in the bible.
After downloading the mobile app, just follow the instructions and you can start chatting immediately, for free!
Download App & Sign-Up
Download Bible Buddy App using the button below.
SIgn-Up using your Google account.
Download Bible Buddy App using the button below. SIgn-Up using your Google account.

Start Chatting
You begin chatting with Bible Buddy, either using the suggested replies or coming up with a topic of your choice

About us

To connect people and communities to the bible in new, innovative and exciting ways

To connect people and communities to the bible in new, innovative and exciting ways

To connect people and communities to the bible in new, innovative and exciting ways
Bible Buddy was founded in early 2023. We started out with 3 people and today we’re a team of 10 and growing fast, spread out across 3 continents. Our HQ is in Michigan (US) and London (UK) but remote working has allowed us to build something so incredibly meaningful.
We’re designers, programmers, engineers, runners, developers, chefs, campers, musicians, filmmakers, knitters, volunteers, parents and hard workers.
The one thing we all share is a commitment to make Bible Buddy the best Christian AI product on the planet.
We have been lucky enough to have over 70,000 users testing Bible Buddy over the last 9 months, sending more than 4 million messages. With some amazing feedback and insights, we have been able to make hundreds of small improvements.
Our journey is just starting but its been an incredible ride so far, and we have so many people to thank. But most of all, we feel a deep sense of responsibility to continue to make the best product we can, and help forward thinking churches serve their community in bold, exciting and innovative ways.
Our values
Do The Right Thing
We know the ‘right thing’ is a deliberate action we must always take, and that it is based on integrity and builds trust with those who we care about, including our people, and our community.
Do The Right Thing
We know the ‘right thing’ is a deliberate action we must always take, and that it is based on integrity and builds trust with those who we care about, including our people, and our community.
Strive To Be Better, Together
We’ve always believed that we are better together. We must operate with a shared purpose to constantly improve and grow and to become better as individuals, as teams and as a company.
Strive To Be Better, Together
We’ve always believed that we are better together. We must operate with a shared purpose to constantly improve and grow and to become better as individuals, as teams and as a company.
Be Entrepreneurial
To reshape the way the world works, we must be bold, act with courage and demonstrate the resiliency to push ahead no matter the odds or the circumstance.
Be Entrepreneurial
To reshape the way the world works, we must be bold, act with courage and demonstrate the resiliency to push ahead no matter the odds or the circumstance.
Give Gratitude
We will not take anyone or anything for granted. We are grateful for our people, and our greater community as well as for the opportunities we have in front of us.
Give Gratitude
We will not take anyone or anything for granted. We are grateful for our people, and our greater community as well as for the opportunities we have in front of us.
Be Human, Be Kind
Collaboration, kindness and authenticity are essential to our humanity. We must cherish each other and build a community that celebrates each person’s unique talents, passions and backgrounds.
Be Human, Be Kind
Collaboration, kindness and authenticity are essential to our humanity. We must cherish each other and build a community that celebrates each person’s unique talents, passions and backgrounds.
Serve our Community
We will always strive to ensure our community is at the centre of what we do, and we are bringing positive change.
Serve our Community
We will always strive to ensure our community is at the centre of what we do, and we are bringing positive change.
Do The Right Thing
We know the ‘right thing’ is a deliberate action we must always take, and that it is based on integrity and builds trust with those who we care about, including our people, and our community.
Do The Right Thing
We know the ‘right thing’ is a deliberate action we must always take, and that it is based on integrity and builds trust with those who we care about, including our people, and our community.
Do The Right Thing
We know the ‘right thing’ is a deliberate action we must always take, and that it is based on integrity and builds trust with those who we care about, including our people, and our community.
Strive To Be Better, Together
We’ve always believed that we are better together. We must operate with a shared purpose to constantly improve and grow and to become better as individuals, as teams and as a company.
Strive To Be Better, Together
We’ve always believed that we are better together. We must operate with a shared purpose to constantly improve and grow and to become better as individuals, as teams and as a company.
Strive To Be Better, Together
We’ve always believed that we are better together. We must operate with a shared purpose to constantly improve and grow and to become better as individuals, as teams and as a company.
Be Entrepreneurial
To reshape the way the world works, we must be bold, act with courage and demonstrate the resiliency to push ahead no matter the odds or the circumstance.
Be Entrepreneurial
To reshape the way the world works, we must be bold, act with courage and demonstrate the resiliency to push ahead no matter the odds or the circumstance.
Be Entrepreneurial
To reshape the way the world works, we must be bold, act with courage and demonstrate the resiliency to push ahead no matter the odds or the circumstance.
Give Gratitude
We will not take anyone or anything for granted. We are grateful for our people, and our greater community as well as for the opportunities we have in front of us.
Give Gratitude
We will not take anyone or anything for granted. We are grateful for our people, and our greater community as well as for the opportunities we have in front of us.
Give Gratitude
We will not take anyone or anything for granted. We are grateful for our people, and our greater community as well as for the opportunities we have in front of us.
Be Human, Be Kind
Collaboration, kindness and authenticity are essential to our humanity. We must cherish each other and build a community that celebrates each person’s unique talents, passions and backgrounds.
Be Human, Be Kind
Collaboration, kindness and authenticity are essential to our humanity. We must cherish each other and build a community that celebrates each person’s unique talents, passions and backgrounds.
Be Human, Be Kind
Collaboration, kindness and authenticity are essential to our humanity. We must cherish each other and build a community that celebrates each person’s unique talents, passions and backgrounds.
Serve our Community
We will always strive to ensure our community is at the centre of what we do, and we are bringing positive change.
Serve our Community
We will always strive to ensure our community is at the centre of what we do, and we are bringing positive change.
Serve our Community
We will always strive to ensure our community is at the centre of what we do, and we are bringing positive change.
for churches
We have made it easy to bring Bible Buddy to your membership and wider community. Whether you want to integrate into your existing website or mobile app, or just enable your members to download Bible Buddy directly, we have a solution for you.
Schedule a call today with one of our evangelists to explore the best solution for your church or organization.

Seamless API Integration
Bible Buddy can be effortlessly integrated into your existing website or mobile apps, enhancing your member experience and spiritual engagement, with minimal development effort.
Sensitive and Inclusive
Designed to handle sensitive topics with respect and inclusivity, ensuring a balanced approach to diverse theological perspectives.

Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
Michigan, London & Sau Paulo
Copyright ©2024 Bible Buddy. All rights reserved
Designed & Developed by Dennis Uvokeke
Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
Michigan, London & Sau Paulo
Copyright ©2024 Bible Buddy. All rights reserved
Designed & Developed by Dennis Uvokeke
Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
Michigan, London & Sau Paulo
Copyright ©2024 Bible Buddy. All rights reserved
Designed & Developed by Dennis Uvokeke
Chat with the Bible, like your best friend!
Michigan, London & Sau Paulo
Copyright ©2024 Bible Buddy. All rights reserved
Designed & Developed by Dennis Uvokeke